Total Produce Invests In Environmentally Friendly LPG Autogas Fleet
In what is a first in Irish agri-business, Total Produce has partnered with Gallagher Brother Haulage to convert a fleet of eight 40ft lorries from conventional diesel fuelled vehicles to BIO LPG Autogas. This conversion will yield immediate and dramatic dividends in Environmental terms. When compared to a regular diesel fuelled lorry, each vehicle delivers:
A reduction in diesel consumption of up to 35%.
A reduction in noise pollution of up to 10%.
A reduction in Greenhouse Gas emissions of up to 48%.
A reduction in NOx emissions of up to 45%
A gas idea that might just gain traction in Irish motoring
It was an idea that failed to gain purchase here in the 1980s, but LPG offers such savings as a car fuel that it has recently become a very attractive option
HOW WOULD YOU like to halve the cost of the fuel that keeps your car on the road? Believe it or not it can be done – with a technology that hasn’t been the next big thing for decades.
Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) is not a new advance by any stretch of the imagination, but this alternative to diesel and petrol has come along in leaps and bounds since the first clunky gas cylinders were installed in Irish cars in the 1980s. And the potential savings that can be made through an LPG conversion are massive.
Prins and Westport award winner @ GasShow 2015
The 6th edition of the International GasShow Exibition, accompanied by the Autoservice Expo 2015 took place on March 5 – 6 in the Warsaw International Expocentre EXPO XXI in Warsaw, Poland. Together, they constitute the world’s biggest event within the LPG, CNG and LNG industry, as well as for companies specializing in offering products and services for auto service industry.